Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Reflection

This election was historic because Obama was the first African American to be a president.Its also the most important historic election because the first African American won the electoral votes by much more than what the other candidate did. Obama also was the president that got the democrat party back in the president seat. Obama election means to me allot because he is a smart person that try to help his country and make a better future for the young people and for the problems the United States is facing.

I can predict in the next 4 years that Obama will accomplish his goals that he promised the United States of America.I wish that Obama takes care first of the problem we are facing in wall street with the economy because he can't dill with no other problem if he don't have enough money because if he use the money we have we would do worst in the economy.


Carlos said...

Delvin i really think that u did good in this election reflection because u was very into what you was writing and you told us a cuple of thing about why u think he would be a good president and he is smart, you not really sure about how he is smart, and next time add a little more details. But by the way i really liked your blog thank you have a nice day. =]

Jason Levy said...

Hi Delvin-

Your first paragraph is very strong! Thanks for sharing your specific opinions.

I also like how you make a prediction. I agree with you that the economy is the most pressing, or vital priority because without money, we can't do much.

Keep Blogging!

-Mr. Levy